= sublab calendar stuff Code and tools related to working with the sublab calendar. Currently 'working' means reading it. == Getting started You'll need ruby and ruby bundler (http://bundler.io). # install dependencies bundle install # start a REPL pry -r ./sublab_calendar cal = SublabCalendar.load cal.events # all events cal.future # future events cal.past # past events # dump future events as JSON puts JSON.pretty_generate(cal.future) == Vagrant There is a Vagrant (vagrantup.com) VM defined for playing around with a radicale CalDAV server. # start the VM vagrant up # stop the VM vagrant halt # help! vagrant -h vagrant -h The VM being imported and provisioned on first run, this may take a little while depending on your Internet connection. The radicale server will be available on your host machine on http://localhost:5232. See http://radicale.org/ for more docs. Note: this is a debian wheezy (7.4), which ships an old version of radicale. Upgrading to a more current version may be necessary for proper client and feature support.