To build packages for Solaris 10: Requirements: ------------- - Development environment including gcc (eg as shipped with Solaris 10) - The Package tools from S10 - i.manifest and r.manifest scripts as supplied with Solaris Express in /usr/sadm/install/scripts/ or alternatively from the download/binaries/solaris/ directory on i.manifest must be at least version 1.5. You can place these scripts in this directory if you are using Solaris 10 GA (which does not ship with these scripts). Package creation instructions: ------------------------------ 1. Configure and build Quagga in the top level build directory as per normal, eg: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/quagga \ --localstatedir=/var/run/quagga --enable-gcc-rdynamic --enable-opaque-lsa --enable-ospf-te \ --enable-multipath=64 --enable-user=quagga \ --enable-ospfclient=yes --enable-ospfapi=yes \ --enable-group=quagga --enable-nssa --enable-opaque-lsa You will need /usr/sfw/bin and /usr/ccs/bin in your path. 2. make install in the top-level build directory, it's a good idea to make use of DESTDIR to install to an alternate root, eg: make DESTDIR=/var/tmp/qroot install 3. In this directory, run make packages, specifying DESTDIR if appropriate, eg: make DESTDIR=/var/tmp/qroot packages This should result in 4 packages being created: quagga-libs-...-$ARCH.pkg - QUAGGAlibs quagga-daemons-...-$ARCH.pkg - QUAGGAdaemons quagga-doc-...-$ARCH.pkg - QUAGGAdoc quagga-dev-...-$ARCH.pkg - QUAGGAdev QUAGGAlibs and QUAGGAdaemons are needed for daemon runtime. Install and post-install configuration notes: --------------------------------------------- - If you specified a user/group which does not exist per default on Solaris (eg quagga/quagga) you *must* create these before installing these on a system. The packages do *not* create the users. - The configuration files are not created. You must create the configuration file yourself, either with your complete desired configuration, or else if you wish to use the telnet interface for further configuration you must create them containing at least: password whatever The user which quagga runs as must have write permissions on this file, no other user should have read permissions, and you would also have to enable the telnet interface (see below). - Configuration of common options are by way of SMF properties named Quagga, the defaults should be inline with how you configured Quagga in Step 1 above, eg: Quagga/config_file astring /usr/local/quagga/etc/zebra.conf Quagga/daemon_name astring zebra Quagga/group astring quagga Quagga/pid_file astring /var/run/quagga/ Quagga/stability astring Evolving Quagga/user astring quagga Quagga/vty_addr astring 127.1 Quagga/vty_port integer 0 Note that by default the telnet 'vty' interface is disabled - Quagga/vty_port is set to 0. Other daemon-specific options may be available, however they are not yet honoured/used (eg ospfd/apiserver on svc:/network/ospf). You can change these properties with the 'svccfg' SMF utility, eg: # svccfg svc:> select svc:/network/zebra svc:/network/zebra> listprop Quagga/vty_port Quagga/vty_port integer 0 svc:/network/zebra> setprop Quagga/vty_port = 2601 svc:/network/zebra> listprop Quagga/vty_port Quagga/vty_port integer 2601 svc:/network/zebra> quit # svcprop -p Quagga/vty_port network/zebra 2601 As SMF is dependency aware, restarting network/zebra will restart all the other daemons. - These packages are not supported by Sun Microsystems, report bugs via the usual Quagga channels, ie Bugzilla. Improvements/contributions of course would be greatly appreciated.