slidonoscopy is a software to create individual HTML(5) based slideshows based on local data (text, images, videos...). Dependencies: ============= slidonoscopy is written in node.js and requires some additional modules: * connect * express * walk * watch-tree Usage: ====== Edit config.js to reflect the location of your slideshows und metadata/event files. Slideshows are to be created under $dir with one directory per slideshow. $dir---slideshow1 -- events.js | |___ slide1.jpg | |___ slide2.jpg | |___ video.mkv | |___ desc.js | |___ template.html | |___slideshow2 -- events.js | |___ slide.jpg | |___ template.html | |___slideshow3 -- events.js |___ template.html The template is a simple HTML file where the key words $EVENTS and $IMAGES will be exchanged at runtime with the appropriate events and slides. Just execute $ node main.js to run slidenoscopy. The server will listen on port 8080 and will serve all slideshows under slides/$name. Retrieving / will display a list of all available slideshows.