/* Reprap heater funtions based on Sprinter This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* This softwarepart for Heatercontrol is based on Sprinter big thanks to kliment (https://github.com/kliment/Sprinter) */ #include #include "heater.h" #include "fastio.h" #include "pins.h" #include "Sprinter.h" #ifdef CONTROLLERFAN_PIN void controllerFan(void); #endif #ifdef EXTRUDERFAN_PIN void extruderFan(void); #endif // Manage heater variables. For a thermistor or AD595 thermocouple, raw values refer to the // reading from the analog pin. For a MAX6675 thermocouple, the raw value is the temperature in 0.25 // degree increments (i.e. 100=25 deg). int target_raw = 0; int target_temp = 0; int current_raw = 0; int current_raw_maxval = -32000; int current_raw_minval = 32000; int tt_maxval; int tt_minval; int target_bed_raw = 0; int current_bed_raw = 0; unsigned long previous_millis_heater, previous_millis_bed_heater, previous_millis_monitor; #ifdef PIDTEMP volatile unsigned char g_heater_pwm_val = 0; //unsigned char PWM_off_time = 0; //unsigned char PWM_out_on = 0; int temp_iState = 0; int temp_dState = 0; int prev_temp = 0; int pTerm; int iTerm; int dTerm; //int output; int error; int heater_duty = 0; const int temp_iState_min = 256L * -PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MAX / PID_IGAIN; const int temp_iState_max = 256L * PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MAX / PID_IGAIN; #endif #if defined(FAN_SOFT_PWM) && (FAN_PIN > -1) volatile unsigned char g_fan_pwm_val = 0; #endif #ifdef AUTOTEMP float autotemp_max=AUTO_TEMP_MAX; float autotemp_min=AUTO_TEMP_MIN; float autotemp_factor=AUTO_TEMP_FACTOR; int autotemp_setpoint=0; bool autotemp_enabled=true; #endif #ifndef HEATER_CURRENT #define HEATER_CURRENT 255 #endif #ifdef SMOOTHING uint32_t nma = 0; #endif #ifdef WATCHPERIOD int watch_raw = -1000; unsigned long watchmillis = 0; #endif #ifdef MINTEMP int minttemp = temp2analogh(MINTEMP); #endif #ifdef MAXTEMP int maxttemp = temp2analogh(MAXTEMP); #endif #define HEAT_INTERVAL 250 #ifdef HEATER_USES_MAX6675 unsigned long max6675_previous_millis = 0; int max6675_temp = 2000; int read_max6675() { if (millis() - max6675_previous_millis < HEAT_INTERVAL) return max6675_temp; max6675_previous_millis = millis(); max6675_temp = 0; #ifdef PRR PRR &= ~(1<> 3; } return max6675_temp; } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Soft PWM for Heater and FAN //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #if defined(PID_SOFT_PWM) || (defined(FAN_SOFT_PWM) && (FAN_PIN > -1)) void init_Timer2_softpwm(void) { // This is a simple SOFT PWM with 500 Hz for Extruder Heating TIFR2 = (1 << TOV2); // clear interrupt flag TCCR2B = (1 << CS22) | (1 << CS20); // start timer (ck/128 prescalar) TCCR2A = 0;//(1 << WGM21); // Normal mode TIMSK2 |= (1 << TOIE2); #ifdef PID_SOFT_PWM OCR2A = 128; // We want to have at least 500Hz or else it gets choppy TIMSK2 |= (1 << OCIE2A); // enable timer2 output compare match interrupt #endif #if defined(FAN_SOFT_PWM) && (FAN_PIN > -1) OCR2B = 128; // We want to have at least 500Hz or else it gets choppy TIMSK2 |= (1 << OCIE2B); // enable timer2 output compare match interrupt #endif } #endif #if defined(PID_SOFT_PWM) || (defined(FAN_SOFT_PWM) && (FAN_PIN > -1)) ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) { //-------------------------------------- // Soft PWM, Heater, start PWM cycle //-------------------------------------- #ifdef PID_SOFT_PWM if(g_heater_pwm_val >= 2) { #if LED_PIN > -1 WRITE(LED_PIN,HIGH); #endif WRITE(HEATER_0_PIN,HIGH); if(g_heater_pwm_val <= 253) OCR2A = g_heater_pwm_val; else OCR2A = 192; } else { #if LED_PIN > -1 WRITE(LED_PIN,LOW); #endif WRITE(HEATER_0_PIN,LOW); OCR2A = 192; } #endif //-------------------------------------- // Soft PWM, Fan, start PWM cycle //-------------------------------------- #if defined(FAN_SOFT_PWM) && (FAN_PIN > -1) if(g_fan_pwm_val >= 2) { #if (FAN_PIN > -1) WRITE(FAN_PIN,HIGH); #endif if(g_fan_pwm_val <= 253) OCR2B = g_fan_pwm_val; else OCR2B = 128; } else { #if (FAN_PIN > -1) WRITE(FAN_PIN,LOW); #endif OCR2B = 128; } #endif } #endif #ifdef PID_SOFT_PWM ISR(TIMER2_COMPA_vect) { if(g_heater_pwm_val > 253) { #if LED_PIN > -1 WRITE(LED_PIN,HIGH); #endif WRITE(HEATER_0_PIN,HIGH); } else { #if LED_PIN > -1 WRITE(LED_PIN,LOW); #endif WRITE(HEATER_0_PIN,LOW); } } #endif #if defined(FAN_SOFT_PWM) && (FAN_PIN > -1) ISR(TIMER2_COMPB_vect) { if(g_fan_pwm_val > 253) { #if (FAN_PIN > -1) WRITE(FAN_PIN,HIGH); #endif } else { #if (FAN_PIN > -1) WRITE(FAN_PIN,LOW); #endif } } #endif //--------------------END SOFT PWM--------------------------- //-------------------- START PID AUTOTUNE --------------------------- // Based on PID relay test // Thanks to Erik van der Zalm for this idea to use it for Marlin // Some information see: // http://brettbeauregard.com/blog/2012/01/arduino-pid-autotune-library/ //------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef PID_AUTOTUNE void PID_autotune(int PIDAT_test_temp) { float PIDAT_input = 0; int PIDAT_input_help = 0; unsigned char PIDAT_count_input = 0; float PIDAT_max, PIDAT_min; unsigned char PIDAT_PWM_val = 255; unsigned char PIDAT_cycles=0; bool PIDAT_heating = true; unsigned long PIDAT_temp_millis = millis(); unsigned long PIDAT_t1=PIDAT_temp_millis; unsigned long PIDAT_t2=PIDAT_temp_millis; unsigned long PIDAT_T_check_AI_val = PIDAT_temp_millis; unsigned char PIDAT_cycle_cnt = 0; long PIDAT_t_high; long PIDAT_t_low; long PIDAT_bias= 127; long PIDAT_d = 127; float PIDAT_Ku, PIDAT_Tu; float PIDAT_Kp, PIDAT_Ki, PIDAT_Kd; #define PIDAT_TIME_FACTOR ((HEATER_CHECK_INTERVAL*256.0) / 1000.0) showString(PSTR("PID Autotune start\r\n")); target_temp = PIDAT_test_temp; #ifdef BED_USES_THERMISTOR WRITE(HEATER_1_PIN,LOW); #endif for(;;) { if((millis() - PIDAT_T_check_AI_val) > 100 ) { PIDAT_T_check_AI_val = millis(); PIDAT_cycle_cnt++; #ifdef HEATER_USES_THERMISTOR current_raw = analogRead(TEMP_0_PIN); current_raw = 1023 - current_raw; PIDAT_input_help += analog2temp(current_raw); PIDAT_count_input++; #elif defined HEATER_USES_AD595 current_raw = analogRead(TEMP_0_PIN); PIDAT_input_help += analog2temp(current_raw); PIDAT_count_input++; #elif defined HEATER_USES_MAX6675 current_raw = read_max6675(); PIDAT_input_help += analog2temp(current_raw); PIDAT_count_input++; #endif } if(PIDAT_cycle_cnt >= 10 ) { PIDAT_cycle_cnt = 0; PIDAT_input = (float)PIDAT_input_help / (float)PIDAT_count_input; PIDAT_input_help = 0; PIDAT_count_input = 0; PIDAT_max=max(PIDAT_max,PIDAT_input); PIDAT_min=min(PIDAT_min,PIDAT_input); if(PIDAT_heating == true && PIDAT_input > PIDAT_test_temp) { if(millis() - PIDAT_t2 > 5000) { PIDAT_heating = false; PIDAT_PWM_val = (PIDAT_bias - PIDAT_d); PIDAT_t1 = millis(); PIDAT_t_high = PIDAT_t1 - PIDAT_t2; PIDAT_max = PIDAT_test_temp; } } if(PIDAT_heating == false && PIDAT_input < PIDAT_test_temp) { if(millis() - PIDAT_t1 > 5000) { PIDAT_heating = true; PIDAT_t2 = millis(); PIDAT_t_low = PIDAT_t2 - PIDAT_t1; if(PIDAT_cycles > 0) { PIDAT_bias += (PIDAT_d*(PIDAT_t_high - PIDAT_t_low))/(PIDAT_t_low + PIDAT_t_high); PIDAT_bias = constrain(PIDAT_bias, 20 ,235); if(PIDAT_bias > 127) PIDAT_d = 254 - PIDAT_bias; else PIDAT_d = PIDAT_bias; showString(PSTR(" bias: ")); Serial.print(PIDAT_bias); showString(PSTR(" d: ")); Serial.print(PIDAT_d); showString(PSTR(" min: ")); Serial.print(PIDAT_min); showString(PSTR(" max: ")); Serial.println(PIDAT_max); if(PIDAT_cycles > 2) { PIDAT_Ku = (4.0*PIDAT_d)/(3.14159*(PIDAT_max-PIDAT_min)); PIDAT_Tu = ((float)(PIDAT_t_low + PIDAT_t_high)/1000.0); showString(PSTR(" Ku: ")); Serial.print(PIDAT_Ku); showString(PSTR(" Tu: ")); Serial.println(PIDAT_Tu); PIDAT_Kp = 0.60*PIDAT_Ku; PIDAT_Ki = 2*PIDAT_Kp/PIDAT_Tu; PIDAT_Kd = PIDAT_Kp*PIDAT_Tu/8; showString(PSTR(" Clasic PID \r\n")); //showString(PSTR(" Kp: ")); Serial.println(PIDAT_Kp); //showString(PSTR(" Ki: ")); Serial.println(PIDAT_Ki); //showString(PSTR(" Kd: ")); Serial.println(PIDAT_Kd); showString(PSTR(" CFG Kp: ")); Serial.println((unsigned int)(PIDAT_Kp*256)); showString(PSTR(" CFG Ki: ")); Serial.println((unsigned int)(PIDAT_Ki*PIDAT_TIME_FACTOR)); showString(PSTR(" CFG Kd: ")); Serial.println((unsigned int)(PIDAT_Kd*PIDAT_TIME_FACTOR)); PIDAT_Kp = 0.30*PIDAT_Ku; PIDAT_Ki = PIDAT_Kp/PIDAT_Tu; PIDAT_Kd = PIDAT_Kp*PIDAT_Tu/3; showString(PSTR(" Some overshoot \r\n")); showString(PSTR(" CFG Kp: ")); Serial.println((unsigned int)(PIDAT_Kp*256)); showString(PSTR(" CFG Ki: ")); Serial.println((unsigned int)(PIDAT_Ki*PIDAT_TIME_FACTOR)); showString(PSTR(" CFG Kd: ")); Serial.println((unsigned int)(PIDAT_Kd*PIDAT_TIME_FACTOR)); /* PIDAT_Kp = 0.20*PIDAT_Ku; PIDAT_Ki = 2*PIDAT_Kp/PIDAT_Tu; PIDAT_Kd = PIDAT_Kp*PIDAT_Tu/3; showString(PSTR(" No overshoot \r\n")); showString(PSTR(" CFG Kp: ")); Serial.println((unsigned int)(PIDAT_Kp*256)); showString(PSTR(" CFG Ki: ")); Serial.println((unsigned int)(PIDAT_Ki*PIDAT_TIME_FACTOR)); showString(PSTR(" CFG Kd: ")); Serial.println((unsigned int)(PIDAT_Kd*PIDAT_TIME_FACTOR)); */ } } PIDAT_PWM_val = (PIDAT_bias + PIDAT_d); PIDAT_cycles++; PIDAT_min = PIDAT_test_temp; } } #ifdef PID_SOFT_PWM g_heater_pwm_val = PIDAT_PWM_val; #else analogWrite_check(HEATER_0_PIN, PIDAT_PWM_val); #if LED_PIN>-1 analogWrite_check(LED_PIN, PIDAT_PWM_val); #endif #endif } if(PIDAT_input > (PIDAT_test_temp + 20)) { showString(PSTR("PID Autotune failed! Temperature to high\r\n")); return; } if(millis() - PIDAT_temp_millis > 2000) { PIDAT_temp_millis = millis(); showString(PSTR("ok T:")); Serial.print(PIDAT_input); showString(PSTR(" @:")); Serial.println((unsigned char)PIDAT_PWM_val*1); } if(((millis() - PIDAT_t1) + (millis() - PIDAT_t2)) > (10L*60L*1000L*2L)) { showString(PSTR("PID Autotune failed! timeout\r\n")); return; } if(PIDAT_cycles > 5) { showString(PSTR("PID Autotune finished ! Place the Kp, Ki and Kd constants in the configuration.h\r\n")); return; } } } #endif //---------------- END AUTOTUNE PID ------------------------------ void manage_heater() { //Temperatur Monitor for repetier if((millis() - previous_millis_monitor) > 250 ) { previous_millis_monitor = millis(); if(manage_monitor <= 1) { showString(PSTR("MTEMP:")); Serial.print(millis()); if(manage_monitor<1) { showString(PSTR(" ")); Serial.print(analog2temp(current_raw)); showString(PSTR(" ")); Serial.print(target_temp); showString(PSTR(" ")); #ifdef PIDTEMP Serial.println(heater_duty); #else #if (HEATER_0_PIN > -1) if(READ(HEATER_0_PIN)) Serial.println(255); else Serial.println(0); #else Serial.println(0); #endif #endif } #if THERMISTORBED!=0 else { showString(PSTR(" ")); Serial.print(analog2tempBed(current_bed_raw)); showString(PSTR(" ")); Serial.print(analog2tempBed(target_bed_raw)); showString(PSTR(" ")); #if (HEATER_1_PIN > -1) if(READ(HEATER_1_PIN)) Serial.println(255); else Serial.println(0); #else Serial.println(0); #endif } #endif } } // ENDE Temperatur Monitor for repetier if((millis() - previous_millis_heater) < HEATER_CHECK_INTERVAL ) return; previous_millis_heater = millis(); #ifdef HEATER_USES_THERMISTOR current_raw = analogRead(TEMP_0_PIN); #ifdef DEBUG_HEAT_MGMT log_int("_HEAT_MGMT - analogRead(TEMP_0_PIN)", current_raw); log_int("_HEAT_MGMT - NUMTEMPS", NUMTEMPS); #endif // When using thermistor, when the heater is colder than targer temp, we get a higher analog reading than target, // this switches it up so that the reading appears lower than target for the control logic. current_raw = 1023 - current_raw; #elif defined HEATER_USES_AD595 current_raw = analogRead(TEMP_0_PIN); #elif defined HEATER_USES_MAX6675 current_raw = read_max6675(); #endif //MIN / MAX save to display the jitter of Heaterbarrel if(current_raw > current_raw_maxval) current_raw_maxval = current_raw; if(current_raw < current_raw_minval) current_raw_minval = current_raw; #ifdef SMOOTHING if (!nma) nma = SMOOTHFACTOR * current_raw; nma = (nma + current_raw) - (nma / SMOOTHFACTOR); current_raw = nma / SMOOTHFACTOR; #endif #ifdef WATCHPERIOD if(watchmillis && millis() - watchmillis > WATCHPERIOD) { if(watch_raw + 1 >= current_raw) { target_temp = target_raw = 0; WRITE(HEATER_0_PIN,LOW); #ifdef PID_SOFT_PWM g_heater_pwm_val = 0; #else analogWrite(HEATER_0_PIN, 0); #if LED_PIN>-1 WRITE(LED_PIN,LOW); #endif #endif } else { watchmillis = 0; } } #endif //If tmp is lower then MINTEMP stop the Heater //or it os better to deaktivate the uutput PIN or PWM ? #ifdef MINTEMP if(current_raw <= minttemp) target_temp = target_raw = 0; #endif #ifdef MAXTEMP if(current_raw >= maxttemp) { target_temp = target_raw = 0; #if (ALARM_PIN > -1) WRITE(ALARM_PIN,HIGH); #endif } #endif #if (TEMP_0_PIN > -1) || defined (HEATER_USES_MAX6675) || defined (HEATER_USES_AD595) #ifdef PIDTEMP int current_temp = analog2temp(current_raw); error = target_temp - current_temp; int delta_temp = current_temp - prev_temp; prev_temp = current_temp; pTerm = ((long)PID_PGAIN * error) / 256; const int H0 = min(HEATER_DUTY_FOR_SETPOINT(target_temp),HEATER_CURRENT); heater_duty = H0 + pTerm; if(error < 30) { temp_iState += error; temp_iState = constrain(temp_iState, temp_iState_min, temp_iState_max); iTerm = ((long)PID_IGAIN * temp_iState) / 256; heater_duty += iTerm; } int prev_error = abs(target_temp - prev_temp); int log3 = 1; // discrete logarithm base 3, plus 1 if(prev_error > 81){ prev_error /= 81; log3 += 4; } if(prev_error > 9){ prev_error /= 9; log3 += 2; } if(prev_error > 3){ prev_error /= 3; log3 ++; } dTerm = ((long)PID_DGAIN * delta_temp) / (256*log3); heater_duty += dTerm; heater_duty = constrain(heater_duty, 0, HEATER_CURRENT); #ifdef PID_SOFT_PWM g_heater_pwm_val = (unsigned char)heater_duty; #else analogWrite(HEATER_0_PIN, heater_duty); #if LED_PIN>-1 analogWrite(LED_PIN, constrain(LED_PWM_FOR_BRIGHTNESS(heater_duty),0,255)); #endif #endif #else if(current_raw >= target_raw) { WRITE(HEATER_0_PIN,LOW); #if LED_PIN>-1 WRITE(LED_PIN,LOW); #endif } else { WRITE(HEATER_0_PIN,HIGH); #if LED_PIN > -1 WRITE(LED_PIN,HIGH); #endif } #endif #endif if(millis() - previous_millis_bed_heater < BED_CHECK_INTERVAL) return; previous_millis_bed_heater = millis(); #ifndef TEMP_1_PIN return; #endif #if TEMP_1_PIN == -1 return; #else #ifdef BED_USES_THERMISTOR current_bed_raw = analogRead(TEMP_1_PIN); #ifdef DEBUG_HEAT_MGMT log_int("_HEAT_MGMT - analogRead(TEMP_1_PIN)", current_bed_raw); log_int("_HEAT_MGMT - BNUMTEMPS", BNUMTEMPS); #endif // If using thermistor, when the heater is colder than targer temp, we get a higher analog reading than target, // this switches it up so that the reading appears lower than target for the control logic. current_bed_raw = 1023 - current_bed_raw; #elif defined BED_USES_AD595 current_bed_raw = analogRead(TEMP_1_PIN); #endif #ifdef MINTEMP if(current_bed_raw >= target_bed_raw || current_bed_raw < minttemp) #else if(current_bed_raw >= target_bed_raw) #endif { WRITE(HEATER_1_PIN,LOW); } else { WRITE(HEATER_1_PIN,HIGH); } #endif #ifdef CONTROLLERFAN_PIN controllerFan(); //Check if fan should be turned on to cool stepper drivers down #endif #ifdef EXTRUDERFAN_PIN extruderFan(); //Check if fan should be turned on to cool extruder down #endif } #if defined (HEATER_USES_THERMISTOR) || defined (BED_USES_THERMISTOR) int temp2analog_thermistor(int celsius, const short table[][2], int numtemps) { int raw = 0; byte i; for (i=1; i raw) { celsius = table[i-1][1] + (raw - table[i-1][0]) * (table[i][1] - table[i-1][1]) / (table[i][0] - table[i-1][0]); break; } } // Overflow: Set to last value in the table if (i == numtemps) celsius = table[i-1][1]; return celsius; } #endif #if defined (HEATER_USES_AD595) || defined (BED_USES_AD595) int analog2temp_ad595(int raw) { return raw * 500 / 1024; } #endif #if defined (HEATER_USES_MAX6675) || defined (BED_USES_MAX6675) int analog2temp_max6675(int raw) { return raw / 4; } #endif #ifdef CONTROLLERFAN_PIN unsigned long lastMotor = 0; //Save the time for when a motor was turned on last unsigned long lastMotorCheck = 0; void controllerFan() { if ((millis() - lastMotorCheck) >= 2500) //Not a time critical function, so we only check every 2500ms { lastMotorCheck = millis(); if(!READ(X_ENABLE_PIN) || !READ(Y_ENABLE_PIN) || !READ(Z_ENABLE_PIN) || !READ(E_ENABLE_PIN)) //If any of the drivers are enabled... { lastMotor = millis(); //... set time to NOW so the fan will turn on } if ((millis() - lastMotor) >= (CONTROLLERFAN_SEC*1000UL) || lastMotor == 0) //If the last time any driver was enabled, is longer since than CONTROLLERSEC... { WRITE(CONTROLLERFAN_PIN, LOW); //... turn the fan off } else { WRITE(CONTROLLERFAN_PIN, HIGH); //... turn the fan on } } } #endif #ifdef EXTRUDERFAN_PIN unsigned long lastExtruderCheck = 0; void extruderFan() { if ((millis() - lastExtruderCheck) >= 2500) //Not a time critical function, so we only check every 2500ms { lastExtruderCheck = millis(); if (analog2temp(current_raw) < EXTRUDERFAN_DEC) { WRITE(EXTRUDERFAN_PIN, LOW); //... turn the fan off } else { WRITE(EXTRUDERFAN_PIN, HIGH); //... turn the fan on } } } #endif