// Tonokip RepRap firmware rewrite based off of Hydra-mmm firmware. // Licence: GPL #include "configuration.h" #include "pins.h" #include "ThermistorTable.h" #ifdef SDSUPPORT #include "SdFat.h" #endif // look here for descriptions of gcodes: http://linuxcnc.org/handbook/gcode/g-code.html // http://objects.reprap.org/wiki/Mendel_User_Manual:_RepRapGCodes //Implemented Codes //------------------- // G0 -> G1 // G1 - Coordinated Movement X Y Z E // G4 - Dwell S or P // G90 - Use Absolute Coordinates // G91 - Use Relative Coordinates // G92 - Set current position to cordinates given //RepRap M Codes // M104 - Set target temp // M105 - Read current temp // M106 - Fan on // M107 - Fan off // M109 - Wait for current temp to reach target temp. //Custom M Codes // M80 - Turn on Power Supply // M20 - List SD card // M21 - Init SD card // M22 - Release SD card // M23 - Select SD file (M23 filename.g) // M24 - Start/resume SD print // M25 - Pause SD print // M26 - Set SD position in bytes (M26 S12345) // M27 - Report SD print status // M81 - Turn off Power Supply // M82 - Set E codes absolute (default) // M83 - Set E codes relative while in Absolute Coordinates (G90) mode // M84 - Disable steppers until next move // M85 - Set inactivity shutdown timer with parameter S. To disable set zero (default) // M86 - If Endstop is Not Activated then Abort Print. Specify X and/or Y // M92 - Set axis_steps_per_unit - same syntax as G92 //Stepper Movement Variables bool direction_x, direction_y, direction_z, direction_e; unsigned long previous_micros=0, previous_micros_x=0, previous_micros_y=0, previous_micros_z=0, previous_micros_e=0, previous_millis_heater; unsigned long x_steps_to_take, y_steps_to_take, z_steps_to_take, e_steps_to_take; float destination_x =0.0, destination_y = 0.0, destination_z = 0.0, destination_e = 0.0; float current_x = 0.0, current_y = 0.0, current_z = 0.0, current_e = 0.0; float x_interval, y_interval, z_interval, e_interval; // for speed delay float feedrate = 1500, next_feedrate; float time_for_move; long gcode_N, gcode_LastN; bool relative_mode = false; //Determines Absolute or Relative Coordinates bool relative_mode_e = false; //Determines Absolute or Relative E Codes while in Absolute Coordinates mode. E is always relative in Relative Coordinates mode. // comm variables #define MAX_CMD_SIZE 256 #define BUFSIZE 8 char cmdbuffer[BUFSIZE][MAX_CMD_SIZE]; bool fromsd[BUFSIZE]; int bufindr=0; int bufindw=0; int buflen=0; int i=0; char serial_char; int serial_count = 0; boolean comment_mode = false; char *strchr_pointer; // just a pointer to find chars in the cmd string like X, Y, Z, E, etc //manage heater variables int target_raw = 0; int current_raw; int target_bed_raw = 0; int current_bed_raw; //Inactivity shutdown variables unsigned long previous_millis_cmd=0; unsigned long max_inactive_time = 0; #ifdef SDSUPPORT Sd2Card card; SdVolume volume; SdFile root; SdFile file; uint32_t filesize=0; uint32_t sdpos=0; bool sdmode=false; bool sdactive=false; int16_t n; void initsd(){ sdactive=false; if (!card.init(SPI_HALF_SPEED)){ if (!card.init(SPI_HALF_SPEED)) Serial.println("SD init fail"); } else if (!volume.init(&card)) Serial.println("volume.init failed"); else if (!root.openRoot(&volume)) Serial.println("openRoot failed"); else sdactive=true; } #endif void setup() { //cmdbuffer[0]="\0"; //cmdbuffer[1]="\0"; //cmdbuffer[2]=char[4]; //cmdbuffer[3]=char[4]; for(int i=0;i -1) pinMode(X_STEP_PIN,OUTPUT); if(Y_STEP_PIN > -1) pinMode(Y_STEP_PIN,OUTPUT); if(Z_STEP_PIN > -1) pinMode(Z_STEP_PIN,OUTPUT); if(E_STEP_PIN > -1) pinMode(E_STEP_PIN,OUTPUT); //Initialize Dir Pins if(X_DIR_PIN > -1) pinMode(X_DIR_PIN,OUTPUT); if(Y_DIR_PIN > -1) pinMode(Y_DIR_PIN,OUTPUT); if(Z_DIR_PIN > -1) pinMode(Z_DIR_PIN,OUTPUT); if(E_DIR_PIN > -1) pinMode(E_DIR_PIN,OUTPUT); //Steppers default to disabled. if(X_ENABLE_PIN > -1) if(!X_ENABLE_ON) digitalWrite(X_ENABLE_PIN,HIGH); if(Y_ENABLE_PIN > -1) if(!Y_ENABLE_ON) digitalWrite(Y_ENABLE_PIN,HIGH); if(Z_ENABLE_PIN > -1) if(!Z_ENABLE_ON) digitalWrite(Z_ENABLE_PIN,HIGH); if(E_ENABLE_PIN > -1) if(!E_ENABLE_ON) digitalWrite(E_ENABLE_PIN,HIGH); //endstop pullups #ifdef ENDSTOPPULLUPS if(X_MIN_PIN > -1) { pinMode(X_MIN_PIN,INPUT); digitalWrite(X_MIN_PIN,HIGH);} if(Y_MIN_PIN > -1) { pinMode(Y_MIN_PIN,INPUT); digitalWrite(Y_MIN_PIN,HIGH);} if(Z_MIN_PIN > -1) { pinMode(Z_MIN_PIN,INPUT); digitalWrite(Z_MIN_PIN,HIGH);} if(X_MAX_PIN > -1) { pinMode(X_MAX_PIN,INPUT); digitalWrite(X_MAX_PIN,HIGH);} if(Y_MAX_PIN > -1) { pinMode(Y_MAX_PIN,INPUT); digitalWrite(Y_MAX_PIN,HIGH);} if(Z_MAX_PIN > -1) { pinMode(Z_MAX_PIN,INPUT); digitalWrite(Z_MAX_PIN,HIGH);} #endif //Initialize Enable Pins if(X_ENABLE_PIN > -1) pinMode(X_ENABLE_PIN,OUTPUT); if(Y_ENABLE_PIN > -1) pinMode(Y_ENABLE_PIN,OUTPUT); if(Z_ENABLE_PIN > -1) pinMode(Z_ENABLE_PIN,OUTPUT); if(E_ENABLE_PIN > -1) pinMode(E_ENABLE_PIN,OUTPUT); if(HEATER_0_PIN > -1) pinMode(HEATER_0_PIN,OUTPUT); Serial.begin(BAUDRATE); #ifdef SDSUPPORT initsd(); #endif Serial.println("start"); } void loop() { if(buflen<3) get_command(); if(buflen){ //Serial.print("buflen: "); //Serial.print(buflen); //Serial.print(", bufindr: "); //Serial.print(bufindr); //Serial.print(", bufindw: "); //Serial.println(bufindw); process_commands(); buflen=(buflen-1); bufindr=(bufindr+1)%BUFSIZE; //Serial.println("ok"); } manage_heater(); manage_inactivity(1); //shutdown if not receiving any new commands } inline void get_command() { while( Serial.available() > 0 && buflen= (MAX_CMD_SIZE - 1) ) { if(!serial_count) return; //if empty line cmdbuffer[bufindw][serial_count] = 0; //terminate string //Serial.println(cmdbuffer[bufindw]); if(!comment_mode){ fromsd[bufindw]=false; if(strstr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], "N") != NULL) { strchr_pointer = strchr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], 'N'); gcode_N = (strtol(&cmdbuffer[bufindw][strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer[bufindw] + 1], NULL, 10)); if(gcode_N != gcode_LastN+1 && (strstr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], "M110") == NULL) ) { //if(gcode_N != gcode_LastN+1 && !code_seen("M110") ) { //Hmm, compile size is different between using this vs the line above even though it should be the same thing. Keeping old method. Serial.print("Serial Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line:"); Serial.println(gcode_LastN); Serial.println(gcode_N); FlushSerialRequestResend(); serial_count = 0; return; } if(strstr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], "*") != NULL) { byte checksum = 0; byte count=0; while(cmdbuffer[bufindw][count] != '*') checksum = checksum^cmdbuffer[bufindw][count++]; strchr_pointer = strchr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], '*'); if( (int)(strtod(&cmdbuffer[bufindw][strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer[bufindw] + 1], NULL)) != checksum) { Serial.print("Error: checksum mismatch, Last Line:"); Serial.println(gcode_LastN); FlushSerialRequestResend(); serial_count=0; return; } //if no errors, continue parsing } else { Serial.print("Error: No Checksum with line number, Last Line:"); Serial.println(gcode_LastN); FlushSerialRequestResend(); serial_count=0; return; } gcode_LastN = gcode_N; //if no errors, continue parsing } else // if we don't receive 'N' but still see '*' { if((strstr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], "*") != NULL)) { Serial.print("Error: No Line Number with checksum, Last Line:"); Serial.println(gcode_LastN); serial_count=0; return; } } if((strstr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], "G") != NULL)){ strchr_pointer = strchr(cmdbuffer[bufindw], 'G'); switch((int)((strtod(&cmdbuffer[bufindw][strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer[bufindw] + 1], NULL)))){ case 0: case 1: Serial.println("ok"); break; default: break; } } bufindw=(bufindw+1)%BUFSIZE; buflen+=1; //Serial.print("Received: "); //Serial.println(gcode_LastN); //Serial.print("Buflen: "); //Serial.println(buflen); } comment_mode = false; //for new command serial_count = 0; //clear buffer } else { if(serial_char == ';') comment_mode = true; if(!comment_mode) cmdbuffer[bufindw][serial_count++] = serial_char; } } #ifdef SDSUPPORT if(!sdmode || serial_count!=0){ return; } while( filesize > sdpos && buflen= (MAX_CMD_SIZE - 1) || n==-1) { sdpos=file.curPosition(); if(sdpos>=filesize){ sdmode=false; Serial.println("Done printing file"); } if(!serial_count) return; //if empty line cmdbuffer[bufindw][serial_count] = 0; //terminate string //Serial.println(cmdbuffer[bufindw]); if(!comment_mode){ fromsd[bufindw]=true; buflen+=1; //Serial.print("Received: "); // Serial.println(cmdbuffer[bufindw]); // Serial.print("Buflen: "); //Serial.println(buflen); bufindw=(bufindw+1)%BUFSIZE; } comment_mode = false; //for new command serial_count = 0; //clear buffer } else { if(serial_char == ';') comment_mode = true; if(!comment_mode) cmdbuffer[bufindw][serial_count++] = serial_char; } } #endif } inline float code_value() { return (strtod(&cmdbuffer[bufindr][strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer[bufindr] + 1], NULL)); } inline long code_value_long() { return (strtol(&cmdbuffer[bufindr][strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer[bufindr] + 1], NULL, 10)); } inline bool code_seen(char code_string[]) { return (strstr(cmdbuffer[bufindr], code_string) != NULL); } //Return True if the string was found inline bool code_seen(char code) { strchr_pointer = strchr(cmdbuffer[bufindr], code); return (strchr_pointer != NULL); //Return True if a character was found } inline void process_commands() { unsigned long codenum; //throw away variable if(code_seen('G')) { switch((int)code_value()) { case 0: // G0 -> G1 case 1: // G1 get_coordinates(); // For X Y Z E F x_steps_to_take = abs(destination_x - current_x)*x_steps_per_unit; y_steps_to_take = abs(destination_y - current_y)*y_steps_per_unit; z_steps_to_take = abs(destination_z - current_z)*z_steps_per_unit; e_steps_to_take = abs(destination_e - current_e)*e_steps_per_unit; #define X_TIME_FOR_MOVE ((float)x_steps_to_take / (x_steps_per_unit*feedrate/60000000)) #define Y_TIME_FOR_MOVE ((float)y_steps_to_take / (y_steps_per_unit*feedrate/60000000)) #define Z_TIME_FOR_MOVE ((float)z_steps_to_take / (z_steps_per_unit*feedrate/60000000)) #define E_TIME_FOR_MOVE ((float)e_steps_to_take / (e_steps_per_unit*feedrate/60000000)) time_for_move = max(X_TIME_FOR_MOVE,Y_TIME_FOR_MOVE); time_for_move = max(time_for_move,Z_TIME_FOR_MOVE); time_for_move = max(time_for_move,E_TIME_FOR_MOVE); if(x_steps_to_take) x_interval = time_for_move/x_steps_to_take; if(y_steps_to_take) y_interval = time_for_move/y_steps_to_take; if(z_steps_to_take) z_interval = time_for_move/z_steps_to_take; if(e_steps_to_take) e_interval = time_for_move/e_steps_to_take; //#define DEBUGGING false #if 0 if(0) { Serial.print("destination_x: "); Serial.println(destination_x); Serial.print("current_x: "); Serial.println(current_x); Serial.print("x_steps_to_take: "); Serial.println(x_steps_to_take); Serial.print("X_TIME_FOR_MVE: "); Serial.println(X_TIME_FOR_MOVE); Serial.print("x_interval: "); Serial.println(x_interval); Serial.println(""); Serial.print("destination_y: "); Serial.println(destination_y); Serial.print("current_y: "); Serial.println(current_y); Serial.print("y_steps_to_take: "); Serial.println(y_steps_to_take); Serial.print("Y_TIME_FOR_MVE: "); Serial.println(Y_TIME_FOR_MOVE); Serial.print("y_interval: "); Serial.println(y_interval); Serial.println(""); Serial.print("destination_z: "); Serial.println(destination_z); Serial.print("current_z: "); Serial.println(current_z); Serial.print("z_steps_to_take: "); Serial.println(z_steps_to_take); Serial.print("Z_TIME_FOR_MVE: "); Serial.println(Z_TIME_FOR_MOVE); Serial.print("z_interval: "); Serial.println(z_interval); Serial.println(""); Serial.print("destination_e: "); Serial.println(destination_e); Serial.print("current_e: "); Serial.println(current_e); Serial.print("e_steps_to_take: "); Serial.println(e_steps_to_take); Serial.print("E_TIME_FOR_MVE: "); Serial.println(E_TIME_FOR_MOVE); Serial.print("e_interval: "); Serial.println(e_interval); Serial.println(""); } #endif linear_move(x_steps_to_take, y_steps_to_take, z_steps_to_take, e_steps_to_take); // make the move previous_millis_cmd = millis(); //ClearToSend(); return; //break; case 4: // G4 dwell codenum = 0; if(code_seen('P')) codenum = code_value(); // milliseconds to wait if(code_seen('S')) codenum = code_value()*1000; // seconds to wait previous_millis_heater = millis(); // keep track of when we started waiting while((millis() - previous_millis_heater) < codenum ) manage_heater(); //manage heater until time is up break; case 90: // G90 relative_mode = false; break; case 91: // G91 relative_mode = true; break; case 92: // G92 if(code_seen('X')) current_x = code_value(); if(code_seen('Y')) current_y = code_value(); if(code_seen('Z')) current_z = code_value(); if(code_seen('E')) current_e = code_value(); break; } } else if(code_seen('M')) { switch( (int)code_value() ) { #ifdef SDSUPPORT case 20: // M20 - list SD card Serial.println("Begin file list"); root.ls(); Serial.println("End file list"); break; case 21: // M21 - init SD card sdmode=false; initsd(); break; case 22: //M22 - release SD card sdmode=false; sdactive=false; break; case 23: //M23 - Select file if(sdactive){ sdmode=false; file.close(); if (file.open(&root, strchr_pointer+4, O_READ)) { Serial.print("File opened:"); Serial.print(strchr_pointer+4); Serial.print(" Size:"); Serial.println(file.fileSize()); sdpos=0; filesize=file.fileSize(); //int i=0; //while ((n = file.read(buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { // for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n; i++) Serial.print(buf[i]); //} Serial.println("File selected"); //file.close(); } else{ Serial.println("file.open failed"); } } break; case 24: //M24 - Start SD print if(sdactive){ sdmode=true; } break; case 25: //M25 - Pause SD print if(sdmode){ sdmode=false; } break; case 26: //M26 - Set SD index if(sdactive && code_seen('S')){ sdpos=code_value_long(); file.seekSet(sdpos); } break; case 27: //M27 - Get SD status if(sdactive){ Serial.print("SD printing byte "); Serial.print(sdpos); Serial.print("/"); Serial.println(filesize); }else{ Serial.println("Not SD printing"); } break; #endif case 104: // M104 if (code_seen('S')) target_raw = temp2analog(code_value()); break; case 140: // M140 set bed temp if (code_seen('S')) target_bed_raw = temp2analog(code_value()); break; case 105: // M105 Serial.print("T:"); Serial.println( analog2temp(analogRead(TEMP_0_PIN)) ); Serial.print("Bed:"); Serial.println( analog2temp(analogRead(TEMP_1_PIN)) ); if(!code_seen('N')) { return; // If M105 is sent from generated gcode, then it needs a response. } break; case 109: // M109 - Wait for heater to reach target. if (code_seen('S')) target_raw = temp2analog(code_value()); previous_millis_heater = millis(); while(current_raw < target_raw) { if( (millis()-previous_millis_heater) > 1000 ) //Print Temp Reading every 1 second while heating up. { Serial.print("T:"); Serial.println( analog2temp(analogRead(TEMP_0_PIN)) ); previous_millis_heater = millis(); } manage_heater(); } break; case 106: //M106 Fan On digitalWrite(FAN_PIN, HIGH); break; case 107: //M107 Fan Off digitalWrite(FAN_PIN, LOW); break; case 80: // M81 - ATX Power On if(PS_ON_PIN > -1) pinMode(PS_ON_PIN,OUTPUT); //GND break; case 81: // M81 - ATX Power Off if(PS_ON_PIN > -1) pinMode(PS_ON_PIN,INPUT); //Floating break; case 82: relative_mode_e = false; break; case 83: relative_mode_e = true; break; case 84: disable_x(); disable_y(); disable_z(); disable_e(); break; case 85: // M85 code_seen('S'); max_inactive_time = code_value()*1000; break; case 86: // M86 If Endstop is Not Activated then Abort Print if(code_seen('X')) if( digitalRead(X_MIN_PIN) == ENDSTOPS_INVERTING ) kill(3); if(code_seen('Y')) if( digitalRead(Y_MIN_PIN) == ENDSTOPS_INVERTING ) kill(4); break; case 92: // M92 if(code_seen('X')) x_steps_per_unit = code_value(); if(code_seen('Y')) y_steps_per_unit = code_value(); if(code_seen('Z')) z_steps_per_unit = code_value(); if(code_seen('E')) e_steps_per_unit = code_value(); break; } } else{ Serial.println("Unknown command:"); Serial.println(cmdbuffer[bufindr]); } ClearToSend(); } inline void FlushSerialRequestResend() { //char cmdbuffer[bufindr][100]="Resend:"; Serial.flush(); Serial.print("Resend:"); Serial.println(gcode_LastN+1); ClearToSend(); } inline void ClearToSend() { previous_millis_cmd = millis(); #ifdef SDSUPPORT if(fromsd[bufindr]) return; #endif Serial.println("ok"); } inline void get_coordinates() { if(code_seen('X')) destination_x = (float)code_value() + relative_mode*current_x; else destination_x = current_x; //Are these else lines really needed? if(code_seen('Y')) destination_y = (float)code_value() + relative_mode*current_y; else destination_y = current_y; if(code_seen('Z')) destination_z = (float)code_value() + relative_mode*current_z; else destination_z = current_z; if(code_seen('E')) destination_e = (float)code_value() + (relative_mode_e || relative_mode)*current_e; else destination_e = current_e; if(code_seen('F')) { next_feedrate = code_value(); if(next_feedrate > 0.0) feedrate = next_feedrate; } //Find direction if(destination_x >= current_x) direction_x=1; else direction_x=0; if(destination_y >= current_y) direction_y=1; else direction_y=0; if(destination_z >= current_z) direction_z=1; else direction_z=0; if(destination_e >= current_e) direction_e=1; else direction_e=0; if (min_software_endstops) { if (destination_x < 0) destination_x = 0.0; if (destination_y < 0) destination_y = 0.0; if (destination_z < 0) destination_z = 0.0; } if (max_software_endstops) { if (destination_x > X_MAX_LENGTH) destination_x = X_MAX_LENGTH; if (destination_y > Y_MAX_LENGTH) destination_y = Y_MAX_LENGTH; if (destination_z > Z_MAX_LENGTH) destination_z = Z_MAX_LENGTH; } if(feedrate > max_feedrate) feedrate = max_feedrate; } void linear_move(unsigned long x_steps_remaining, unsigned long y_steps_remaining, unsigned long z_steps_remaining, unsigned long e_steps_remaining) // make linear move with preset speeds and destinations, see G0 and G1 { //Determine direction of movement if (destination_x > current_x) digitalWrite(X_DIR_PIN,!INVERT_X_DIR); else digitalWrite(X_DIR_PIN,INVERT_X_DIR); if (destination_y > current_y) digitalWrite(Y_DIR_PIN,!INVERT_Y_DIR); else digitalWrite(Y_DIR_PIN,INVERT_Y_DIR); if (destination_z > current_z) digitalWrite(Z_DIR_PIN,!INVERT_Z_DIR); else digitalWrite(Z_DIR_PIN,INVERT_Z_DIR); if (destination_e > current_e) digitalWrite(E_DIR_PIN,!INVERT_E_DIR); else digitalWrite(E_DIR_PIN,INVERT_E_DIR); //Only enable axis that are moving. If the axis doesn't need to move then it can stay disabled depending on configuration. if(x_steps_remaining) enable_x(); if(y_steps_remaining) enable_y(); if(z_steps_remaining) enable_z(); if(e_steps_remaining) enable_e(); if(X_MIN_PIN > -1) if(!direction_x) if(digitalRead(X_MIN_PIN) != ENDSTOPS_INVERTING) x_steps_remaining=0; if(Y_MIN_PIN > -1) if(!direction_y) if(digitalRead(Y_MIN_PIN) != ENDSTOPS_INVERTING) y_steps_remaining=0; if(Z_MIN_PIN > -1) if(!direction_z) if(digitalRead(Z_MIN_PIN) != ENDSTOPS_INVERTING) z_steps_remaining=0; previous_millis_heater = millis(); //while(x_steps_remaining > 0 || y_steps_remaining > 0 || z_steps_remaining > 0 || e_steps_remaining > 0) // move until no more steps remain while(x_steps_remaining + y_steps_remaining + z_steps_remaining + e_steps_remaining > 0) // move until no more steps remain { if(x_steps_remaining) { if ((micros()-previous_micros_x) >= x_interval) { do_x_step(); x_steps_remaining--; } if(X_MIN_PIN > -1) if(!direction_x) if(digitalRead(X_MIN_PIN) != ENDSTOPS_INVERTING) x_steps_remaining=0; } if(y_steps_remaining) { if ((micros()-previous_micros_y) >= y_interval) { do_y_step(); y_steps_remaining--; } if(Y_MIN_PIN > -1) if(!direction_y) if(digitalRead(Y_MIN_PIN) != ENDSTOPS_INVERTING) y_steps_remaining=0; } if(z_steps_remaining) { if ((micros()-previous_micros_z) >= z_interval) { do_z_step(); z_steps_remaining--; } if(Z_MIN_PIN > -1) if(!direction_z) if(digitalRead(Z_MIN_PIN) != ENDSTOPS_INVERTING) z_steps_remaining=0; } if(e_steps_remaining) if ((micros()-previous_micros_e) >= e_interval) { do_e_step(); e_steps_remaining--; } if( (millis() - previous_millis_heater) >= 500 ) { manage_heater(); previous_millis_heater = millis(); manage_inactivity(2); } } if(DISABLE_X) disable_x(); if(DISABLE_Y) disable_y(); if(DISABLE_Z) disable_z(); if(DISABLE_E) disable_e(); // Update current position partly based on direction, we probably can combine this with the direction code above... if (destination_x > current_x) current_x = current_x + x_steps_to_take/x_steps_per_unit; else current_x = current_x - x_steps_to_take/x_steps_per_unit; if (destination_y > current_y) current_y = current_y + y_steps_to_take/y_steps_per_unit; else current_y = current_y - y_steps_to_take/y_steps_per_unit; if (destination_z > current_z) current_z = current_z + z_steps_to_take/z_steps_per_unit; else current_z = current_z - z_steps_to_take/z_steps_per_unit; if (destination_e > current_e) current_e = current_e + e_steps_to_take/e_steps_per_unit; else current_e = current_e - e_steps_to_take/e_steps_per_unit; } inline void do_x_step() { digitalWrite(X_STEP_PIN, HIGH); previous_micros_x = micros(); //delayMicroseconds(3); digitalWrite(X_STEP_PIN, LOW); } inline void do_y_step() { digitalWrite(Y_STEP_PIN, HIGH); previous_micros_y = micros(); //delayMicroseconds(3); digitalWrite(Y_STEP_PIN, LOW); } inline void do_z_step() { digitalWrite(Z_STEP_PIN, HIGH); previous_micros_z = micros(); //delayMicroseconds(3); digitalWrite(Z_STEP_PIN, LOW); } inline void do_e_step() { digitalWrite(E_STEP_PIN, HIGH); previous_micros_e = micros(); //delayMicroseconds(3); digitalWrite(E_STEP_PIN, LOW); } inline void disable_x() { if(X_ENABLE_PIN > -1) digitalWrite(X_ENABLE_PIN,!X_ENABLE_ON); } inline void disable_y() { if(Y_ENABLE_PIN > -1) digitalWrite(Y_ENABLE_PIN,!Y_ENABLE_ON); } inline void disable_z() { if(Z_ENABLE_PIN > -1) digitalWrite(Z_ENABLE_PIN,!Z_ENABLE_ON); } inline void disable_e() { if(E_ENABLE_PIN > -1) digitalWrite(E_ENABLE_PIN,!E_ENABLE_ON); } inline void enable_x() { if(X_ENABLE_PIN > -1) digitalWrite(X_ENABLE_PIN, X_ENABLE_ON); } inline void enable_y() { if(Y_ENABLE_PIN > -1) digitalWrite(Y_ENABLE_PIN, Y_ENABLE_ON); } inline void enable_z() { if(Z_ENABLE_PIN > -1) digitalWrite(Z_ENABLE_PIN, Z_ENABLE_ON); } inline void enable_e() { if(E_ENABLE_PIN > -1) digitalWrite(E_ENABLE_PIN, E_ENABLE_ON); } inline void manage_heater() { current_raw = analogRead(TEMP_0_PIN); // If using thermistor, when the heater is colder than targer temp, we get a higher analog reading than target, if(USE_THERMISTOR) current_raw = 1023 - current_raw; // this switches it up so that the reading appears lower than target for the control logic. if(current_raw >= target_raw) { digitalWrite(HEATER_0_PIN,LOW); digitalWrite(LED_PIN,LOW); } else { digitalWrite(HEATER_0_PIN,HIGH); digitalWrite(LED_PIN,HIGH); } current_bed_raw = analogRead(TEMP_1_PIN); // If using thermistor, when the heater is colder than targer temp, we get a higher analog reading than target, if(USE_THERMISTOR) current_bed_raw = 1023 - current_bed_raw; // this switches it up so that the reading appears lower than target for the control logic. if(current_bed_raw >= target_bed_raw) { digitalWrite(HEATER_1_PIN,LOW); } else { digitalWrite(HEATER_1_PIN,HIGH); } } // Takes temperature value as input and returns corresponding analog value from RepRap thermistor temp table. // This is needed because PID in hydra firmware hovers around a given analog value, not a temp value. // This function is derived from inversing the logic from a portion of getTemperature() in FiveD RepRap firmware. float temp2analog(int celsius) { if(USE_THERMISTOR) { int raw = 0; byte i; for (i=1; i raw) { celsius = temptable[i-1][1] + (raw - temptable[i-1][0]) * (temptable[i][1] - temptable[i-1][1]) / (temptable[i][0] - temptable[i-1][0]); break; } } // Overflow: Set to last value in the table if (i == NUMTEMPS) celsius = temptable[i-1][1]; return celsius; } else { return raw * ((5.0*100.0)/1024.0); } } inline void kill(byte debug) { if(HEATER_0_PIN > -1) digitalWrite(HEATER_0_PIN,LOW); disable_x; disable_y; disable_z; disable_e; if(PS_ON_PIN > -1) pinMode(PS_ON_PIN,INPUT); while(1) { switch(debug) { case 1: Serial.print("Inactivity Shutdown, Last Line: "); break; case 2: Serial.print("Linear Move Abort, Last Line: "); break; case 3: Serial.print("Homing X Min Stop Fail, Last Line: "); break; case 4: Serial.print("Homing Y Min Stop Fail, Last Line: "); break; } Serial.println(gcode_LastN); delay(5000); // 5 Second delay } } inline void manage_inactivity(byte debug) { if( (millis()-previous_millis_cmd) > max_inactive_time ) if(max_inactive_time) kill(debug); }