[program:gunicorn] command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/manage.py run_gunicorn --workers=2 --max-requests=1000 --bind={{ settings.GUNICORN_PORT }} {% if settings.DEBUG %} exclude=true {% endif %} {% if not settings.DEBUG %} [program:runserver] exclude=true {% endif %} [program:celeryd] {% if settings.DEBUG %} command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/manage.py celeryd -E --loglevel=INFO {% else %} command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/manage.py celeryd -E {% endif %} directory={{ PROJECT_DIR }} numprocs=1 startsecs=5 ; Need to wait for currently executing tasks to finish at shutdown. ; Increase this if you have very long running tasks. stopwaitsecs = 600 [program:celerycam] command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/manage.py celerycam {% if settings.DEBUG %} [program:redis] command=redis-server {% endif %}