== sublab web3 Versuch einer mobile-first sublab website mit middleman (http://middlemanapp.com/) == Prerequisites * ruby * bundler ('gem install bundler') == Installation git clone git+ssh://git@git.sublab.org/web3 cd web3 bundle == Developing bundle exec middleman server open http://localhost:4567 (edit files in the source/ directory, browser should autorefresh) == Using Vagrant Install Vagrant from here: http://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html # start the VM; this may take a while on first boot vagrant up # .. then start the middleman development server in the VM # (polling is needed because changes to files don't propagate via virtualbox shared folders) vagrant ssh -c "cd /vagrant; bundle exec middleman server --force-polling --latency=4" # on the hostmachine, open http://localhost:4567 # to shutdown the VM: vagrant halt # to force quit the VM in case Vagrant hangs: vagrant halt -f # to reload the VM after changes to Vagrantfile: vagrant reload # anything else: vagrant -h vagrant -h == Building bundle exec middleman build # needs to be served for images to work ruby -run -e httpd ./build -p 5000 open http://localhost:5000 == Updating # update the code git pull # update gem dependencies if needed # using vagrant: vagrant ssh -c "cd /vagrant; bundle" # otherwise just: bundle == Problems / Features * No CSS yet * img/ is currently checked in source control because I'm lazy * Umlaute == Roadmap * implement a mobile-first grid using Bootstrap * write a sensible API server for the status box