// Foundation by ZURB // foundation.zurb.com // Licensed under MIT Open Source @import "global"; // // @name _tables.scss // @dependencies _global.scss // // // @variables // $include-html-table-classes: $include-html-classes !default; // These control the background color for the table and even rows $table-bg: $white !default; $table-even-row-bg: $snow !default; // These control the table cell border style $table-border-style: solid !default; $table-border-size: 1px !default; $table-border-color: $gainsboro !default; // These control the table head styles $table-head-bg: $white-smoke !default; $table-head-font-size: rem-calc(14) !default; $table-head-font-color: $jet !default; $table-head-font-weight: $font-weight-bold !default; $table-head-padding: rem-calc(8 10 10) !default; // These control the table foot styles $table-foot-bg: $table-head-bg !default; $table-foot-font-size: $table-head-font-size !default; $table-foot-font-color: $table-head-font-color !default; $table-foot-font-weight: $table-head-font-weight !default; $table-foot-padding: $table-head-padding !default; // These control the caption $table-caption-bg: transparent !default; $table-caption-font-color: $table-head-font-color !default; $table-caption-font-size: rem-calc(16) !default; $table-caption-font-weight: bold !default; // These control the row padding and font styles $table-row-padding: rem-calc(9 10) !default; $table-row-font-size: rem-calc(14) !default; $table-row-font-color: $jet !default; $table-line-height: rem-calc(18) !default; // These are for controlling the layout, display and margin of tables $table-layout: auto !default; $table-display: table-cell !default; $table-margin-bottom: rem-calc(20) !default; // // @mixins // @mixin table { background: $table-bg; margin-bottom: $table-margin-bottom; border: $table-border-style $table-border-size $table-border-color; table-layout: $table-layout; caption { background: $table-caption-bg; color: $table-caption-font-color; font: { size: $table-caption-font-size; weight: $table-caption-font-weight; } } thead { background: $table-head-bg; tr { th, td { padding: $table-head-padding; font-size: $table-head-font-size; font-weight: $table-head-font-weight; color: $table-head-font-color; } } } tfoot { background: $table-foot-bg; tr { th, td { padding: $table-foot-padding; font-size: $table-foot-font-size; font-weight: $table-foot-font-weight; color: $table-foot-font-color; } } } tr { th, td { padding: $table-row-padding; font-size: $table-row-font-size; color: $table-row-font-color; text-align: $default-float; } &.even, &.alt, &:nth-of-type(even) { background: $table-even-row-bg; } } thead tr th, tfoot tr th, tfoot tr td, tbody tr th, tbody tr td, tr td { display: $table-display; line-height: $table-line-height; } } @include exports("table") { @if $include-html-table-classes { table { @include table; } } }