This is a firmware for RAMPS and other reprap single-processor electronics setups. It supports printing from SD card, active heatbed control, and ATmega internal pullups. This work is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 or (at the user's discretion) any later version. It is based on Tonokips's firmware, which was licensed under GPL v2 or later. WARNING: The configuration file now has a value to set the wanted temperature table file. If you copy and paste a temperature file from older versions, make sure that the configuration is pointing to it. For example: #include "ThermistorTable.h" WARNING_2: In addition, you can optionally use a different thermistor table for hot-end and bed. To do so, comment the following line in configuration.h: #define bedtemptable temptable Then add a line pointing to your second thermistor table, for example: #include "BedThermistorTable.h" Finally, make sure that the nozzle thermistor table, inside ThermistorTable.h in this case, is defined as "temptable" and that the bed thermistor table is defined as "bedtemptable".