path: root/fabfile/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fabfile/')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fabfile/ b/fabfile/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c31461b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fabfile/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+"""Deployment helpers.
+from os.path import join as join_path
+from fabric.api import *
+from fabric.contrib import files
+def ve_run(cmd):
+ """Runs a command inside the activated virtualenv.
+ """
+ require('root', provided_by=['setups.stage', 'setups.production'])
+ with prefix('source %(root)s/bin/activate' % env):
+ run(cmd)
+def manage(cmd):
+ """Runs a command with
+ """
+ require('manage_py', provided_by=['setups.stage', 'setups.production'])
+ ve_run('%s %s' % (env.manage_py, cmd))
+def update_project():
+ """Updates the project source.
+ """
+ require('src_root', provided_by=['setups.stage', 'setups.production'])
+ require('git_branch', provided_by=['setups.stage', 'setups.production'])
+ with cd(env.src_root):
+ run('git pull origin %(git_branch)s' % env)
+def link_settings():
+ """Links the appropriate settings.
+ """
+ require('stage', provided_by=['setups.stage', 'setups.production'])
+ require('config', provided_by=['setups.stage', 'setups.production'])
+ require('proj_root', provided_by=['setups.stage', 'setups.production'])
+ if env.stage:
+ host_settings = join_path(env.config, '%(host)' % env)
+ else:
+ host_settings = join_path(env.config, '%(host)' % env)
+ settings = join_path(env.proj_root, '')
+ if files.exists(settings):
+ run('rm %s' % settings)
+ if files.exists(host_settings):
+ run('ln -s %s %s' % (host_settings, settings))
+ else:
+ print 'No host specific settings file found. Create one at %s' % host_settings
+def collect_static():
+ """Collects all static files.
+ """
+ manage('collectstatic')
+def syncdb():
+ """Runs the syncdb management command.
+ """
+ manage('syncdb')
+def migrate(app_name=None):
+ """Runs the migrations for one or all apps.
+ """
+ manage('migrate %s' % app_name)
+def indetify():
+ """Identifes the deployed project.
+ Displays the deployed project version, all Python packages installed inside
+ the virtualenv and the state of the migrations.
+ """
+ require('proj_root', provided_by=['setups.stage', 'setups.production'])
+ with cd(env.proj_root):
+ run('git log -1')
+ ve_run('pip freeze')
+ manage('migrate -list')
+def install_requirements():
+ """Installs the requirements.
+ """
+ require('pip_file', provided_by=['setups.stage', 'setups.production'])
+ ve_run('pip install -r %(pip_file)s' % env)
+def load_fixture(fixture_path):
+ """Loads one or more fixtures."""
+ manage('loaddata %s' % fixture_path)