path: root/lib/route_types.awk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/route_types.awk')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/route_types.awk b/lib/route_types.awk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26d1c0ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/route_types.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# $Id$
+# Scan a file of route-type definitions (see eg route_types.txt) and
+# generate a corresponding header file with:
+# - enum of Zserv route-types
+# - redistribute strings for the various Quagga daemons
+# See route_types.txt for the format.
+ FS="[,]";
+ # globals
+ exitret = 0;
+ tcount = 0;
+ # 'bare' redistribute specifier, <1-255>, help string.
+ redist_bare_help = "Numeric Zserv route type";
+ # formats for output
+ redist_def_fmt = "#define QUAGGA_REDIST_STR_%s \\\n";
+ redist_str_fmt = "\"(%s<1-255>)\"\n";
+ redist_help_def_fmt = "#define QUAGGA_REDIST_HELP_STR_%s";
+ redist_help_str_fmt = " \\\n \"%s\\n\"";
+ # header
+ header = "/* Auto-generated from route_types.txt by " ARGV[0] ". */\n";
+ header = header "/* Do not edit! */\n";
+ header = header "\n#ifndef _QUAGGA_ROUTE_TYPES_H\n";
+ header = header "#define _QUAGGA_ROUTE_TYPES_H\n";
+ footer = "#endif /* _QUAGGA_ROUTE_TYPES_H */\n";
+ printf ("%s\n", header);
+# Chomp comment lines
+($0 ~ /^#/) {
+ next;
+# get rid of the commas, leading/trailling whitespace and
+# quotes
+ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
+ #print "before:" $i;
+ $i = gensub(/^[[:blank:]]*(.*)[,]*.*/, "\\1", "g",$i);
+ $i = gensub(/^["](.*)["]$/, "\\1", "g", $i);
+ #print "after :" $i;
+ }
+# 7 field format:
+# type cname daemon C 4 6 short help
+(NF >= 7) {
+ #print "7", $1, $0;
+ if ($1 in types) {
+ print "error: attempt to redefine", $1;
+ exitret = 1;
+ exit exitret;
+ }
+ typesbynum[tcount] = $1;
+ types[$1,"num"] = tcount++;
+ types[$1,"cname"] = $2;
+ types[$1,"daemon"] = $3;
+ types[$1,"C"] = $4;
+ types[$1,"4"] = strtonum($5);
+ types[$1,"6"] = strtonum($6);
+ types[$1,"shelp"] = $7;
+ #print "num :", types[$1,"num"]
+ #print "cname :", types[$1,"cname"]
+ #print "daemon:", types[$1,"daemon"];
+ #print "char :", types[$1,"C"];
+# 2 field: type "long description"
+(NF == 2) {
+ #print "2", $1, $2;
+ if (!(($1 SUBSEP "num") in types)) {
+ print "error: type", $1, "must be defined before help str";
+ exitret = 2;
+ exit exitret;
+ }
+ types[$1,"lhelp"] = $2;
+END {
+ if (exitret)
+ exit exitret;
+ # The enums
+ # not yet...
+ #printf("enum\n{\n");
+ #for (i = 0; i < tcount; i++) {
+ # type = typesbynum[i];
+ # if (type != "" && types[type,"num"] == i)
+ # printf (" %s,\n", type);
+ #}
+ #printf (" ZEBRA_ROUTE_MAX,\n};\n\n");
+ # the redistribute defines
+ for (i = 0; i < tcount; i++) {
+ type = typesbynum[i];
+ # must be a type, and must cross-check against recorded type
+ if (type == "" || types[type,"num"] != i)
+ continue;
+ # ignore route types that can't be redistributed
+ if (!(types[type,"4"] || types[type,"6"]))
+ continue;
+ # must have a daemon name
+ if (!((type SUBSEP "daemon") in types))
+ continue;
+ if (!(daemon = types[type,"daemon"]))
+ continue;
+ # might have done this daemon already?
+ if (daemon in seen_daemons)
+ continue;
+ cname = types[type,"cname"];
+ all = all "|" cname;
+ rstr = "";
+ hstr = "";
+ # add it to the others
+ for (j = 0; j < tcount; j++) {
+ # ignore self
+ if (i == j)
+ continue;
+ type2 = typesbynum[j];
+ # type2 must be valid, and self-check.
+ if (type2 == "" || types[type2,"num"] != j)
+ continue;
+ # ignore different route types for the same daemon
+ # (eg system/kernel/connected)
+ if (types[type2,"daemon"] == daemon)
+ continue;
+ if ((types[type2,"4"] && types[type,"4"]) \
+ || (types[type2,"6"] && types[type,"6"])) {
+ rstr = rstr types[type2,"cname"] "|";
+ if ((type2 SUBSEP "lhelp") in types)
+ hstr2 = types[type2,"lhelp"];
+ else if ((type2 SUBSEP "shelp") in types)
+ hstr2 = types[type2,"shelp"];
+ else
+ hstr2 = types[type2,"cname"];
+ hstr = hstr sprintf(redist_help_str_fmt, hstr2);
+ }
+ }
+ # dont double-process daemons.
+ seen_daemons[daemon] = 1;
+ printf("/* %s */\n", daemon);
+ printf(redist_def_fmt, toupper(daemon));
+ printf(redist_str_fmt, rstr);
+ printf(redist_help_def_fmt, toupper(daemon));
+ printf("%s", hstr);
+ printf(redist_help_str_fmt, redist_bare_help);
+ print("\n");
+ }
+ #printf("#define QUAGGA_REDIST_STR_ALL %s\n",all);
+# for (i = 0; i < lcount; i++) {
+# if (mlists[i] != "")
+# printf (mlistformat "\n", mlists[i]);
+# }
+ printf (footer);